Monday, January 15, 2007

The Bible ... Literally!

About a year ago, a good friend who I don't see as often as I like asked me a question that caught me off-guard:

"Do you believe the Bible literally?"

It still seems unfortunate to me (although all is in God's hands) that I missed the chance to respond - we were walking into a restaurant when the question was posed, and by the time we reached our seats, the subject had changed.

But ever since, it's been a question that I have been trying to answer. It begs more than a simple "yes" or "no". And it will take much, much more than a single blog entry!

But one bias I must admit, one supposition that I firmly believe - the Lord God, our creator, loves us dearly and wants us to receive His Grace. The canonical Bible as we have today confirms this, although I base my supposition not on what I've read, but what I have witnessed in my life.

Given that supposition (a bold supposition by any admission), I hope to use this blog to further explain, and examine, how I understand the Lord's Word and "literally", the modern American Bible.